FRIENDS, My Name Mohamed Hata Wahari a journalist and will contesting
for the post of NUJ President of Malaysia and i need your support.
朋友, 大家好, 我,Mohamed Hata Wahari,将角逐马来西亚新闻从业员职工 会(NUJ)总会长一职。请支持我一票。
My Goals
1. To force government to abolish Printing and Publication Act
2. To force government to have manual guide to the media regarding
religious and racism issues
(二)逼使政府拥有媒体指南手册,尤其针对宗教及种 族课题。
3. To force government to abolish requirements for media company to
renew license to publish news paper every year
4. To provide welfare benefits to NUJ Members especially insurance
(四)提供马来西亚新闻从业职工会会员更好福利设 施,特别是保险保障。
5. Creating NUJ Malaysia Presidential Council comprising President, 2
Vice President, Secretary General and eight branch chairman to monitor
newspapers that contravening journalism ethic especially issue
regarding race and religion
(五)成立会长理事会,其理事会必须包括总会长,二 位副总会长,总秘书以及八位支会主席。总会长理事会 将负责监督报章操守,以避免从业者违反媒体专业道 德,特别关于种族及宗教课题。